- I will lose weight and be on a diet. I will eat more vegetables and fruits. I will do more exercice and sport. I will eat more healthy and I will go to the gym to do at least three days of exercice. I will drink more water.
- I will learn a new language. I want to learn italian, so I will do online exercices to learn it, like Duolingo. A good way to learn a language is watch videos on Youtube or movies or series in that language, so I will watch movies or videos in italian.
- I will spend more time with my friends. This year is the last year of the ESO and I will start Batxillerat. More of my classmates or friends they will go to another highschool, and I will not see them so much. This year I will enjoy all the moments with my friends.
- I will start saving money. I am a person that when I have money I spend the money very fast. So this year I will start saving money for the future, for my things, for when I hang out with my friends, for my clothes...
- I will read more. I love reading books but I don't have so much time to do it. This year I will buy more books and read them. I will try to have more time and read at least ten books in a year.

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