My favourite book is Timantti of Rebeca Stones. The book is about a girl named Timantti, Timantti is the name of a precious mineral and she has a special physical charactheristic: she has one blue eye and the other one is green. His parents are spies and one day, they receive a mission to solve that's very important and dangerous. They took Timantti to an orphanage because the mission was very dangerous. In that orphanage, Timantti met Akva, her roommate. Timantti also met a boy, Bruno who at the end of story fell in love. Timantti discovered that the orphanage hides many things: the teachers gave pills to the homosexual students because they believed that the homosexuality is a problem.... At the end of the book Timantti discovered that her parents weren't in a mision, they wanted to take Timantti to the orphanage to rescue her lost sister, Akva.
PERSONAL OPINION: I loved this book because the narration was amazing and part of the book is about social problems like bullying, homosexuality, harassment... So I recommend this book especially for the teenager. I read this book in two days because when you end a chapter, you want to read more!!
REBECA STONES: Rebeca Stones, her real name is Rebeca Trancoso Soto, is a writer, youtuber, actress and Spanish presenter, born in Vigo, Galicia on June 29, 2000.
With only 10 years, she started a YouTube channel with a friend but that friend decided to go to the channel. Now his channel has more than 800,000 subscribers and he has already written three books with only eighteen years.

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