• Title of T.E.D Talk:

The best gift I ever survived

  • Name of speaker:
Stacey Kramer

  • Date of T.E.D Talk and Number of Viewa:
February 2010 and 3.873.045 views.

  • What was the speaker's thesis (main point) of this speech?
If sometimes you will be unfaced with something that's uncertain and unexpected, consider that maybe it's a gift.

  • Circle any of the following adjectives that describe this T.E.D talk:
That talk was motivational and inspiring.

  • T.E.D Talk presenters are known as effective public speakers. Describe two things this speaker does well in terms of engaging the audience. Be sure to include the minute.
1.It keeps the audience in suspense, since the first thing that says in the talk is that people imagine a gift, people do not know so, Stacey makes the public intervene even indirectly.

2.Explain to the audience one thing that happened to him, a very serious illness. And it encourages them to enjoy life, every moment. (2:24)

  • Write two specific things you learned from this presentation.
1. Every time we face something bad or unexpected, maybe it's a gift.
2. And we do not have to be afraid of that gift, we have to know how to face it.

  • If you could ask this speaker a question about her information or presentation, what would you ask?
Where did you get all this psychological strength to face everything that happened to you?

  • Give one piece of constructive criticism that would improve the presentation.
I liked the presentation but it was very short, I would have liked it to be longer.
