I can't believe that 4eso is finishing and holidays are almost here.
I can remember that the first day I came to hisghschool I felt very nervious because I didn't know if my school friends woulb be in my class. The first day was very bad, because any person I knew of school was in my class, the persons of my class were strangers for me. By the first cours I made new friends of other towns, the begining of first ESO it was bad but at the end it was amazing, i was happy. In second of eso the classes changed, and I was with three of my friends there, so I was very fine. Second of eso it wasn't difficult for me, it was a little diffcult than first eso, but not so much. That year I did the exchange.Third of eso was the most complicate course for me, because apparead a couple of subjects that I never did, and the subjects were more exigent and difficult, I had to study so much. The class of third eso was incredible honestly, we're a good class.
But for me, 4 eso was the best year, because the classes, the friends that I have and I made... I don't know, I felt very good this year, the travel we made to Italy it was unforgettable.
Obviously I have changed all this years, fisically of course yes. But psychologically I think I mature a lot, in first eso I was a kid, and nowadays I am more much mature. I hope the next years will be equal or much better than this year. I felt a bit sad because more of friends will not be in the same highschool. But I hope I will have the same friendship with all of them.

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