So we are in the third trimester and I want to do a brief summary of this year. For me, this year was the best in generally. My grades were great, but this was not the most important thing. This year I met and I made new friends, the teachers were the best too. Italy was an amazing experience, a travel that I won't forget with a persons that stayed in my life for four years. We've been through everything together: the classes, excursions, travels... For me, we're like a little family.
Honestly, I feel kinda sad because in September all will be not the same, the classes, the persons... Some friends will not be in this highschool so I will not see them. I'm a bit afraid because I don't want to lose them.
For the other side, I am happy to finish 4 eso because in two weeks we will have holidays. I will enjoy this summer to the maximum with my friends and with my family. I will go to the beach almost every day, I want to go to some parties, meet new persons, stay with all my friends in the pool or somewhere... Basically I want to stay with my friends all the days because more of them will not go to the same highshcool.
So I want to say thank you to all my classmates to make all this years amazing.

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